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Nutrition in individuals with skeletal dysplasia

Project leader:

Svein O. Fredwall, Medical Doctor, PhD


This study aims to identify and describe nutritional issues and challenges in individuals with a skeletal dysplasia, and how these issues are addressed by health care providers. Study participants are adults with a skeletal dysplasia, parents to children with a skeletal dysplasia, and health care providers working with people with skeletal dysplasia.

We will use semi-structured qualitative focus-group interviews, enabling the participants to share information about nutritional issues and challenges, and how these are addressed by the health care service. There current literature on nutritional issues in people with a skeletal dysplasia is very limited. The focus groups will provide valuable information on nutritional issues, in addition to the currently available literature, and will also identify knowledge gaps and topics needing further study. 

Research group members

Johanne Kjellevik Ledang, dietician 

Ethical approvals 

REK application number: 630421 
SIKT application number: 547604 


Internal by TRS

Time period

2023 to 2025

Last updated 1/27/2025