The Sunnaas-model

Out-patient exercise program for persons with neurological disorders

The objective is to investigate the participants' self-perceptions of an outpatient exercise program. After in-patient rehabilitation, persons with neurological disorders often experience limited access to training facility services. In order to maintain a physical active lifestyle, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital established a specialized outpatient exercise clinic.

Prosjektet ble avsluttet i 2020.

Design and setting

In order to investigate the participants’ self-perceptions of an individualized out-patient exercise program, a before-and-after study was conducted without a control group. The setting of the study was Studio 99, a specialized exercise out-patient clinic with a multidisciplinary team in a facilitated training studio.

Exercise program

12 weeks, 60 minutes 2-3 times per week. Individually designed physical exercise program. Follow-up and adjustment every fourth week or when needed. Multidisciplinary approach; Physician, physiotherapist, exercise physiologist and coordinator/specialized nurse.


T​he high degree of goal achievement and positive trend in self-perceived fitness indicate that a specialized outpatient exercise program in a facilitated training studio might be useful to maintain a physical active lifestyle after in-patient rehabilitation for persons with neurological disorders.

Last updated 3/19/2024