TRS is a part of the Norwegian National Resource Services on Rare Disorders (NKSD) and is located at Sunnaas Hospital in Nesodden, near Oslo, Norway. You can read about some of the disorders TRS offer services to here.
Description of disorders in English
Medical professionals and other professionals (such as teachers) may contact TRS for advice. As a patient or next of kin you may contact TRS for information about where you can get further assistance. TRS does not perform diagnostics or individual treatment.
TRS' activities fall into three main categories:
- Knowledge dissemination and counselling
- Cooperation and involvement
- Research
The three categories are described in detail below, and also in a short film about TRS. Thie film is a media alternative to the description on this web page and is therefore not visually interpreted.
In this film we tell you what TRS Resource Center for Rare Disorders is and what we do.
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